Case study: One project QA approach


In this post I’d like to describe QA approach for one project I participate. The post will describe techniques for testing high availability  and reliability for high scalable applications. There will be some examples to show how to apply this techniques.

Continue reading “Case study: One project QA approach”

CruiseControl.NET: Transforming build result e-mail

Sometimes it is no enough time to go to Cruise Control .NET web dashboard to see build results. So we need to see all information we need in build report e-mail. There is not such opportunity in EmailPublisher section of project configuration (by default: ccnet.config).

To do this you need to modify ccnet.exe.config file:

<!-- Specifies the stylesheets that are used to transform the build results when using the EmailPublisher -->
 <file name="xsl\header.xsl"/>
 <file name="xsl\compile.xsl"/>
 <file name="xsl\unittests.xsl"/>
 <file name="xsl\fit.xsl"/>
 <file name="xsl\modifications.xsl"/>
 <file name="xsl\fxcop-summary_1_36.xsl"/>

CruiseControl.NET: PowerShell tasks

Sometimes before you start building you need to perform some more additional actions on build server(e.g. clean up some folder or replace config files). The way out is to use PowerShell. You can easily specify tag in CruiseControl.NET project configuration file and add PowerShell task. Continue reading “CruiseControl.NET: PowerShell tasks”

CruiseControl.NET: StyleCop configuration

In this post we are going to describe StyleCop configuration for CruiseControl.NET (for 1.5 RC1 release and higher only).

Follow the steps:

1. Install StyleCop on machine where Cruise Control .NET located (actually must be you buil server).

2. Create msbuild.proj file in you MS Visual Studio project folder (where solution file is). Insert the code into created file:

Continue reading “CruiseControl.NET: StyleCop configuration”